Please Enjoy This Shiny Video

My personal branding video is ready! Many thanks to Kim Denstedt, who sent me off in the right direction regarding what to include in the script, and to the students and faculty of the School of Media and Design at Conestoga College, who filmed and produced this video.

I’m still a little uncomfortable about portraying myself in such a promote-y, brag-y, shiny way. At the same time, my written words can only say so much about me. If someone is curious about bringing me on board on a project, but they’re uncertain as to whether I fit their team’s culture, then this video can inform that decision. I hope. Fingers crossed.

How you feel about this tool? Have you seen it used well? Poorly? Is this the right direction for self-promotion, or could we be using a better method?

You can view the video on my site’s About page, and as always, I’m available for coffee chats!